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    Joe Biden

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    Joe Biden is the 46th president of the United States and won the US President election in 2020 defeating Donald Trump.

    ‘If at first you don’t succeed, Try, try, try again.’

    It is a popular proverb that has been used for centuries to inspire humans. Many individuals have risen from failures and succeeded in their goals by trying again and again. But no mortal goal is greater than becoming the leader of the most powerful nation in the world, and this is what Joe Biden is striving for in his third attempt at the presidentship of the US. After being denied the presidentship of the democratic party on two separate occasions in 1988 and 2008, he has finally managed to convince his peers and stands in a two-way race against the Republican candidate Donald Trump.

    Joe has undergone great struggles in his life, including a life-threatening aneurysm when he was a Delaware senator. His survival chances were described as 50-50, and those are probably the odds he will get in his tryst with Trump. As a United States Senator from Delaware, Biden was in office from 1973 to 2009. He also served as the Vice President of the US under Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017.

    Nick nameAmtrack joe, Uncle-in-chief, Cup of Joe
    Date of Birth20 November 1942
    BirthplaceScranton, Pennsylvania, United States
    Age78 Years
    Zodiac signScorpio
    ProfessionsWriter, Advocate, Politician
    Height1.83 m
    Eye ColorBlue
    Hair ColorWhite and Grey
    Marital StatusMarried
    HometownGreenville, Delaware
    CarsCorvette, Studebaker, Mercedes-Benz 190SL

    Joe Biden’s Family

    ParentsCatherine Eugenia Finnegan, Joseph R. Biden Sr.
    SiblingsFrancis W. Biden, Valerie Biden, James Brian Biden
    Wife/spouseNeilia Hunter ​ ​ ( m. 1966; died 1972)​ Jill Jacobs ​ ( m. 1977)​
    ChildrenBeau Hunter, Naomi Ashley

    Joe Biden’s Parents & Grandparents

    Joe Biden’s Siblings

    Joe Biden’s Wife

    Joe Biden’s Kids

    Joe Biden’s Grandchildren

    The Beginning

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    Born as Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. to Catherine Eugenia “Jean” Biden and Joseph Robinette Biden Sr., the man we know as Joe came into this world on November 20, 1942. Although the family was wealthy, his father suffered some financial losses just before he was born. So, he along with his three siblings had to move to his mother’s parent’s home. There were some financial struggles in his younger days, but the times changed and his father was able to secure a job as a car salesman.

    In his early years, Joe was a competent sportsman. He played high school football and baseball at Archmere Academy in Claymont. Although he was not considered a bright student by his teachers, there was an innate leadership quality in him that was visible to all. After finishing school, he did his Bachelors of Arts at the University of Delaware. Just like in his school days, he continued participating in sports and played for Blue Hens freshman football team. Many believe that his penchant for sports in his younger days led to a development of his leadership qualities.

    After the BA degree, Joe Biden joined Syracuse University College of Law in 1968. Here, he earned his law degree and got into Delaware bar at the age of 27. Not many know that Joe Biden had a speech problem and he used to stutter during his twenties, but he overcame the problem with hard work. He was also diagnosed with asthma at an early age. But despite all these physical impediments, he was driven towards success, which he later achieved.

    Joe Biden’s Relationships

    Joe Biden’s parents wanted him to marry a Roman Catholic girl, but he overcame the family pressure and married his lover Neilia Hunter. They married on August 27, 1966 and had their first child Joseph R. “Beau” Biden III in 1969.

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    By 1971, they had two more kids – Robert and the youngest one Naomi. Their family was a joyful lot. Everything was going well in Joe’s career and family life, but then a disaster struck. During Christmas time in 1972, Joe lost his wife and infant daughter Naomi in an automobile accident.

    After suffering the grief of the tragedy for the next five years, Biden married again in 1975. He met his present wife Jill Biden on a blind data organized by his brother. Both clicked instantly as a couple, and Biden regained his motivation for politics. Joe and Jill had a daughter together in 1981, who they named Ashley.

    Joe Biden’s Beliefs and Interests

    Joe Biden was born a Roman Catholic. After the death of his first wife, Joe’s faith in god was shaken, but he soon regained the lost love for life and almighty.

    Joe is a frequent church goer and attends Mass at St. Joseph’s church in Greenville, Delaware with his wife Jill. Although he is a devout Christian, he has a broad mind and believes all faiths to be equal. He is very accepting about people’s life choices and supports the cause of LGBTQ equality. At a time when Obama was contemplating whether to support LGBTQ or not, it was Joe who forced his hand by vouching for LGBTQ rights.

    Joe Biden believes himself to be a center-left when it comes to his political viewpoint. For those who are unfamiliar with the terminology, center-left is a political perspective that supports social equality via equal opportunity to everyone. Another popular example of center-left politics will be the Indian National Congress (INC).

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    Joe is a middle-class man himself and believes that the empowerment of middle-class and working-class people is the key to a strong nation. He wants to decriminalize cannabis at a national level, lower subsidies on renewable energy and also want to abolish capital punishment. Joe Biden believes in medicare for all and was an active supporter of ‘Obamacare’ during his stint as VP, and

    As far as immigration is concerned, he wants to uphold the good name of the country as the ‘Nation of Immigrants’. Moreover, he wants to overturn Trump’s decision to build a wall alongside the border of Mexico as he believes that it is not the solution to stop illegal immigrants and drugs into the US.

    Joe Biden’s Education

    SchoolArchmere Academy
    CollegeUniversity of Delaware, Syracuse University College of Law
    DegreeJuris Doctor from Syracuse University College of Law, Bachelor of Arts degree

    Joe Biden’s Career

    Early Influences and Beginning of Political Career

    He might not have been the greatest at studies but Joe Biden was a fierce competitor, which helped him grow in his career. While he was pursuing his law degree, Joe clerked at Wilmington law that was ironically headed by a Republican. In his later life, Joe Biden became a Democrat but he still maintained a positive view of Republicans, and this could be attributed to his early life exposure to liberal Republicans like Russell W. Peterson.

    While he was getting his law degree, Joe was unclear about his political preferences. He contemplated joining the Republic party, but decided against it because of his dislike for Richard Nixon (Republican Candidate). But later, after completing his law education, he joined a firm headed by a democrat Sid Balick. Here, he was swayed to register for the Democratic part.

    After getting his law degree, Biden worked as a criminal lawyer. But the money was not enough, so he doubled up as a property manager. Through his contacts, he learned about New Castle County Council election and stood up for the representative position. It led to his very first win in his political career as he won with over 2000 votes.

    Biden ‘The Senator’

    After doing some great work in his small political role, Joe Biden stepped up his game and stood up for the post of senator of Delaware. Joe Biden height of 6 feet and amazing personality always remained his positive attributes in his political career. He was up against the odds against a popular Republican candidate by the name of J. Caleb Boggs. But surprisingly, he did very well in the campaign and won people’s trust with his youthful charms and honesty. Ultimately, he won the election by over 3000 votes.

    But just as his professional life was about to transform for the good, his personal life took a major hit as his wife and youngest daughter were killed in an accident. Depressed, dejected and enraged by the travesty of life, Biden somehow picked himself up and swore into the senator office in Jan, 1973. He was the sixth youngest senator ever in the entire US political history.

    In his early years as a senator, Joe took initiative in environmental and consumer protection laws. Biden also served as a Democratic floor manager during the passing of Comprehensive Crime Control Act (1984), which became very controversial after its launch. But later, he condoned the law and the role he played in its passing. In his 36 years long tenure in the Delaware senate, Biden took upon many different causes and played instrumental roles in the formulation of many groundbreaking laws.

    While he was a senator, he had a brain surgery for an aneurism in 1988. But despite such a major health debacle, he came back strong and kept on doing good work for the state. He even ran for the democratic presidential nominations in 1988 and 2008, but could not win despite his best efforts. Biden has also been a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

    Biden ‘The Vice President’

    In 2008, Biden stood for the post of democratic party presidential candidate but could neither raise the funds nor bring the people to the rallies. Instead it was Barack Obama who got the position and won. Despite the fact that Joe Biden and Barack Obama were not the best of mates initially, they got to know each other better during the campaign. They grew fond of each other’s talents. After getting the presidential nomination, Obama vouched for Biden as his Vice President.

    During a debate in his Joe Biden campaign for VP, he got the better of republican candidate Sarah Palin and showed his credentials. But Biden’s campaign was not perfect and he was blamed for making some damaging arguments, later called as ‘Joe Bombs’. However, he and Obama eventually succeeded in getting the job done and won the election.

    On January 2009, Biden was sworn into the office. During his tenure, he did a lot of great things but stayed away from the limelight. He visited Iraq on 8 separate occasions in order to check on the troops and understand the political situation in the war-ravaged country.

    In his stint as VP, Biden was most appreciated for his ability to think about a situation from different perspectives. He was a popular figure within the team as he made everyone raise their levels. When we talk about teams, his passion for sports comes to mind. So, when the world cup 2010 was organized in South Africa, it was only fitting that he represented the US.

    Obama had real faith in Biden’s ability to settle a matter when things got tough. Therefore, Obama delegated the crucial task of negotiating an agreement between the congress and the White House when there was a dispute regarding federal spending.

    The Second Coming as the VP

    When Obama decided to run again for president in 2012, he asked Biden to be his wingman one more time. Biden obliged and democrats came into power once again.

    In the second term, Joe Biden took the lead on same-sex marriage and forced Obama’s hand into supporting the cause. This was something Obama did not like very much as he was reluctant on this issue, but eventually went along with the idea. Biden also launched Violence Against Women Act, which was aimed at protecting young students. This act helped eliminate ambiguity from sexual assaults. It emphasized the fact that if someone has said ‘no’ to having sexual relations, then any forceful initiation from the other person would be classified as an assault.

    Throughout the term, Biden remained forceful against terrorism in the Middle East. He vocalized that the US will support countries’ in their fight against terrorism. His policies focused on arming the rebel force in Syria to fight the ruling Al-Assad family government, which the US believes is funding Iran’s proxy terrorist groups.

    During his second-term, Biden was preparing his son Beau Biden as the next governor Delaware. But unfortunately, his son developed a deadly brain cancer and died in May, 2015. It was a major shock for Biden who was preparing his presidential campaign for the next term. Eventually his campaign did not materialize and Donald Trump won the election in 2016.

    Now in 2020, Joe Biden has gathered himself up and he is ready to lead Democratic party in the next election against Donald Trump. His agenda for the election primarily focusses upon four issues – Healthcare, Climate change, LGBTQ rights and Immigration. If he is able to win this time, he will be the oldest US president ever.

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